Kabbalah, Qabalah, Cabalah: defined as symbol-sets based on archetypes used to communicate with God. One God, by countless names, the world over.

wearing the skull cap

The Latin alphabet as used in English, offers a convenient symbol set. It is especially handy because it can be typed into a post. I once used a made up symbol set of my own unique characters. It was fun. It worked well… but everything had to be hand written.

For instance, using Shiva’s A-Z symbol set, a random word might be: DEGO

Thus, random word, DEGO, make sense to Shiva, or anyone else knowledgeable of his A-Z interpretation. If you have reference to the meanings of each of the A-Z keys, you could figure it out, what DEGO meant, but that’s not really reading.

These were originally listed in the first post of a thread in the mySpace Kabbalah group.

Shiv’s interpretation is, in a primal sense, due to the fact he is attempting to summarize the entire universe in a concise archtypical set, an intrepretation of the Kabbalah. Not the historic Jewish Kabbalah, but the living Cabalah, as a dynamic and evolving system of thought. It is very much like the instrument of a musician. Or the words used by world leaders. They knowing nothing of historical Kabbalah, yet, they each in their own way, have defined a unique symbol sets; and learned to use these unique words in a way helpful and pleasing to others.This way, they each are masters of their own destiny.

A musician has a perception of sound that is easy accessible to them– something that works for them. In music it is called a style. A politician has a set of principals, which he has learned to convey effectively.

And yes, the politician’s symbol set is certainly biased and lope-sided, but his technique of reaching-out-and-serving and representing groups of people, is very much employing the techniques of Cabalah. We of course are not so materialistic. We strive to construct our archetypical symbol-sets more altruistically. In this way we seek to align ourselves with God; his will; and the future. In God’s eye’s the future is history.

Whether you are a Cabalist, a musician, or a politician; when your efforts are in sync with the will of God, God is there, always ready and willing to lend a helping hand or an encouraging word.

Now… once a symbol set is constructed, the next step is to put it to memory. Once that is done, then you can write in your new language. You take notes, and in doing so you are learning to read the language. But speaking in this language is another matter, for these words are never spoken verbally. These symbol set-languages are all tried and proven methods for communicating with God. One God, by countless names, the world over.

It’s a special language, which is learned differently than a spoken language. A child first learns to 1- speak, then 2- read, then finally 3- write. A Cabalist first learns to 1- write, then 2- read what they have written, and finally 3- speak without reading. It is nothing less than the language of God, which historically, has always been the power of the Kabbalah.

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